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CALPUFF View - Source Parameters MS Excel - Lakes Format V_2.0 Parameters Units Description Type = POINT, AREA, AREA_POLY, AREA_CIRC, VOLUME, or LINE, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD ID = Source ID up to 8 characters Desc = Optional description SourceID_Prefix = Text prefix up to 8 characters long for generated LINE_VOLUME and LINE_AREA sources Base_Elev = [m] Source base elevation above mean sea level Height = [m] Release height above ground Diam = [m] Stack diameter or AREA_CIRC radius (POINT and AREA_CIRC only) Exit_Vel = [m/s] Exit velocity (POINT only) Exit_Temp = [K] Exit temperature (POINT only) Moment_Flux = Momentum flux factor (POINT only) - If blank 1 is used Length_X [m] X Side Length (AREA only) Length_Y [m] Y Side Length (AREA only) Rotation Angle [deg] Rotation Angle (AREA only) SigmaY = [m] Initial sigma Y (POINT, VOLUME and ROAD only, optional for POINT) SigmaZ = [m] Initial sigma Z (POINT, all AREA, VOLUME and ROAD only, optional for POINT) Configuration LINE_VOLUME configuration: Separated, Adjacent or Separated2W LineVolumeType LINE_VOLUME type: None, Surface-Based, Elevated, Elevated Building LineVolumeHeight [m] Plume Height or Building Height for LINE_VOLUME source SO2 = project emission units Emission rate for species SO2 (change name for different species) … project emission units Add columns for additional emission rates with species name as the header (e.g., TOLUENE, etc.) Num_Coords = Number of coordinate pairs (POINT = 1, VOLUME = 1, LINE = 2, AREA = 1, AREA_POLY >= 3, CIRCLE AREA = 1) X1 = [m] X coordinate of source location [m] Y1 = [m] Y coordinate of source location [m] X2 = [m] Secondary X coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY and line sources only) Y2 = [m] Secondary Y coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY and line sources only) X3 = [m] Additional X coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) Y3 = [m] Additional Y coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) X4 = [m] Additional X coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) Y4 = [m] Additional Y coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) X5 = [m] Additional X coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) Y5 = [m] Additional Y coordinate of source location [m] (AREA_POLY, LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD only) Line_MXNSEG = Maximum number of segments for each line (LINE source only) Line_NLRISE = Number of distances used to tabluate plume rise (LINE source only) Line_FPRIMEL = [m**4/s**3] Average buoyance parameter (LINE source only) Line_XL = [m] Building Length (LINE source only) Line_HBL = [m] Building Height (LINE source only) Line_WBL = [m] Building Width (LINE source only) Line_WML = [m] Line Source Width (LINE source only) Line_DXL = [m] Separation between buildings (LINE source only) Base_Elev_m [m] Base Elevation for LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA, ROAD Nodes Rel_Height_m [m] Release height for LINE_VOLUME, LINE_AREA Nodes Type ID Desc SourceID_Prefix Base_Elev Height Diam Exit_Vel Exit_Temp Moment_Flux PM10 NOX Num_Coords X1 Y1 [m] [m] [m] [m/s] [K] POINT VENT_8 Vent 8 215.32 8 5.5 16 20 1 0.34 1.04 1 395634 5871084 POINT VENT_9 Vent 9 285.36 8 5.5 16 20 1 0.34 1.04 1 395608 5870436