INPUT GROUP: 3 -- Species List Parameter Description Value Species included in model run PM10 CSPEC Species included in model run NOX CSPEC INPUT GROUP: 4 -- Map Projection and Grid Control Parameters Parameter Description Value Map projection system UTM PMAP False easting at projection origin (km) 0.0 FEAST False northing at projection origin (km) 0.0 FNORTH UTM zone (1 to 60) 60 IUTMZN Hemisphere (N = northern, S = southern) S UTMHEM Latitude of projection origin (decimal degrees) 0.00N RLAT0 Longitude of projection origin (decimal degrees) 0.00E RLON0 1st standard parallel latitude (decimal degrees) 30S XLAT1 2nd standard parallel latitude (decimal degrees) 60S XLAT2 Datum-region for the coordinates WGS-84 DATUM Meteorological grid - number of X grid cells 85 NX Meteorological grid - number of Y grid cells 100 NY Meteorological grid - number of vertical layers 10 NZ Meteorological grid spacing (km) 0.15 DGRIDKM Meteorological grid - vertical cell face heights (m) 0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 80.0, 160.0, 320.0, 640.0, 1200.0, 2000.0, 3000.0, 4000.0 ZFACE Meteorological grid - X coordinate for SW corner (km) 392.1250 XORIGKM Meteorological grid - Y coordinate for SW corner (km) 5858 YORIGKM Computational grid - X index of lower left corner 9 IBCOMP Computational grid - Y index of lower left corner 70 JBCOMP Computational grid - X index of upper right corner 39 IECOMP Computational grid - Y index of upper right corner 100 JECOMP Use sampling grid (gridded receptors) (T = true, F = false) F LSAMP Sampling grid - X index of lower left corner 1 IBSAMP Sampling grid - Y index of lower left corner 1 JBSAMP Sampling grid - X index of upper right corner 2 IESAMP Sampling grid - Y index of upper right corner 2 JESAMP Sampling grid - nesting factor 1 MESHDN INPUT GROUP: 5 -- Output Options Parameter Description Value Output concentrations to CONC.DAT? (0 = no, 1 = yes) 1 ICON Output dry deposition fluxes to DFLX.DAT? (0 = no, 1 = yes) 0 IDRY 13/06/2022 CALPUFF View Version 9.0.0 by Lakes Environmental Software Page 5 of 10