INPUT GROUP: 6 -- Mixing Height, Temperature and Precipitation Parameters Parameter Description Value Mixing height constant: overwater equation 0.16 CONSTW Absolute value of Coriolis parameter (1/s) 0.0001 FCORIOL Spatial mixing height averaging? (0 = no, 1 = yes) 1 IAVEZI Maximum search radius in averaging process (grid cells) 1 MNMDAV Half-angle of upwind looking cone for averaging (degrees) 30 HAFANG Layer of winds used in upwind averaging (between 1 and NZ) 1 ILEVZI Convective mixing height method (1 = Maul-Carson, 2 = Batchvarova-Gryning, - for land cells only, + for land and water cells) 1 IMIXH Overland threshold boundary flux (W/m**3) 0 THRESHL Overwater threshold boundary flux (W/m**3) 0.05 THRESHW Overwater lapse rate and deltaT options (0 = from SEA.DAT, 1 = use prognostic lapse rates and SEA.DAT deltaT, 2 = from prognostic) 0 ITWPROG Land use category in 3D.DAT 16 ILUOC3D Minimum potential temperature lapse rate (K/m) 0.001 DPTMIN Depth of computing capping lapse rate (m) 200 DZZI Minimum overland mixing height (m) 50 ZIMIN Maximum overland mixing height (m) 3000 ZIMAX Minimum overwater mixing height (m) 50 ZIMINW Maximum overwater mixing height (m) 3000 ZIMAXW Overwater surface fluxes method 10 ICOARE Coastal/shallow water length scale (km) 0 DSHELF COARE warm layer computation (0 = off, 1 = on) 0 IWARM COARE cool skin layer computation (0 = off, 1 = on) 0 ICOOL Relative humidity read option (0 = from SURF.DAT, 1 = from 3D.DAT) 1 IRHPROG 3D temperature read option (0 = stations, 1 = surface from station and upper air from prognostic, 2 = prognostic) 2 ITPROG Temperature interpolation type (1 = 1/R, 2 = 1/R**2) 1 IRAD Temperature interpolation radius of influence (km) 500 TRADKM Maximum number of stations to include in temperature interpolation 5 NUMTS Conduct spatial averaging of temperatures? (0 = no, 1 = yes) 1 IAVET Default overwater mixed layer lapse rate (K/m) -0.0098 TGDEFB Default overwater capping lapse rate (K/m) -0.0045 TGDEFA Beginning land use category for temperature interpolation over water 999 JWAT1 Ending land use category for temperature interpolation over water 999 JWAT2 Precipitation interpolation method (1 = 1/R, 2 = 1/R**2, 3 = EXP/R**2) 2 NFLAGP Precipitation interpolation radius of influence (km) 100. SIGMAP Minimum precipitation rate cutoff (mm/hr) 0.01 CUTP 13/06/2022 CALPUFF View Version 9.0.0 by Lakes Environmental Software Page 5 of 5