INPUT GROUP: 5 -- Wind Field Options and Parameters Parameter Description Value Maximum radius of influence in the surface layer (km) 0 RMAX1 Maximum radius of influence over land aloft (km) 0 RMAX2 Maximum radius of influence over water (km) 0 RMAX3 Minimum radius of influence used in wind field interpolation (km) 0.1 RMIN Radius of influence of terrain features (km) 3 TERRAD Relative weight at surface of step 1 fields and observations (km) 0 R1 Relative weight aloft of step 1 field and observations (km) 0 R2 Weighting factors of prognostic wind field data (km) 0 RPROG Maximum acceptable divergence 5E-006 DIVLIM Maximum number of iterations in the divergence minimization procedure 50 NITER Number of passes in the smoothing procedure (NZ values) 2,9*4 NSMTH Maximum number of stations used in each layer for interpolation (NZ values) 10*99 NINTR2 Critical Froude number 1 CRITFN Empirical factor triggering kinematic effects 0.1 ALPHA Number of barriers to interpolation of the wind fields 0 NBAR Barrier - level up to which barriers apply (1 to NZ) 10 KBAR Surface temperature (0 = compute from obs/prognostic, 1 = read from DIAG.DAT) 0 IDIOPT1 Surface station to use for surface temperature (between 1 and NSSTA) -1 ISURFT Temperature lapse rate used in the computation of terrain-induced circulations (0 = compute from obs/prognostic, 1 = read from DIAG.DAT) 0 IDIOPT2 Upper air station to use for the domain-scale lapse rate (between 1 and NUSTA) -1 IUPT Depth through which the domain-scale lapse rate is computed (m) 200 ZUPT Initial guess field winds (0 = compute from obs/prognostic, 1 = read from DIAG.DAT) 0 IDIOPT3 Upper air station to use for domain-scale winds -1 IUPWND Bottom and top of layer through which the domain-scale winds are computed (m) 1.0, 1.00 ZUPWND Read observed surface wind components (0 = from SURF.DAT, 1 = from DIAG.DAT) 0 IDIOPT4 Read observed upper wind components (0 = from UPn.DAT, 1 = from DIAG.DAT) 0 IDIOPT5 Use Lake Breeze module (T = true, F = false) F LLBREZE Lake Breeze - number of regions 0 NBOX INPUT GROUP: 6 -- Mixing Height, Temperature and Precipitation Parameters Parameter Description Value Mixing height constant: neutral, mechanical equation 1.41 CONSTB Mixing height constant: convective equation 0.15 CONSTE Mixing height constant: stable equation 2400 CONSTN 13/06/2022 CALPUFF View Version 9.0.0 by Lakes Environmental Software Page 4 of 5