Supporting Technical Assessments

CALMET Parameters TAPM 2016 NOOBs INPUT GROUP: 0 -- Input and Output File Names Parameter Description Value Input file of geophysical data (GEO.DAT) GEO_UD.DAT GEODAT Output file name of CALMET list file (CALMET.LST) CALMET.LST METLST Output file name of generated gridded met files (CALMET.DAT) CALMET.DAT METDAT Lower case file names (T = lower case, F = upper case) F LCFILES Number of upper air stations 0 NUSTA Number of overwater stations 0 NOWSTA Number of prognostic meteorological data files (3D.DAT) 1 NM3D Number of IGF-CALMET.DAT files used as initial guess 0 NIGF INPUT GROUP: 1 -- General Run Control Parameters Parameter Description Value IBYR Starting year 2016 IBMO Starting month 1 IBDY Starting day 1 IBHR Starting hour 1 IBSEC Starting second 0 IEYR Ending year 2017 IEMO Ending month 12 IEDY Ending day 31 IEHR Ending hour 23 IESEC Ending second 0 ABTZ Base time zone UTC+1200 NSECDT Length of modeling time-step (seconds) 3600 IRTYPE Output run type (0 = wind fields only, 1 = CALPUFF/CALGRID) 1 LCALGRD Compute CALGRID data fields (T = true, F = false) T ITEST Flag to stop run after setup phase (1 = stop, 2 = run) 2 MREG Regulatory checks (0 = no checks, 1 = US EPA LRT checks) 0 INPUT GROUP: 2 -- Map Projection and Grid Control Parameters Parameter Description Value Map projection system UTM PMAP False easting at projection origin (km) 0.0 FEAST False northing at projection origin (km) 0.0 FNORTH UTM zone (1 to 60) 60 IUTMZN Hemisphere of UTM projection (N = northern, S = southern) S UTMHEM 13/06/2022 CALPUFF View Version 9.0.0 by Lakes Environmental Software Page 1 of 5