Supporting Technical Assessments

| Conclusions | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 53 9 Conclusions OGNZL proposes to establish a new underground mine under the CFP. The new activities associated with this proposal will form a key element of the Waihi North Project. The discharges to air associated with the proposed work are a permitted activity in the Waikato Regional Plan subject to conditions. While it is anticipated that the proposed activities will comply with the permitted activity conditions, for certainty and completeness OGNZL wishes to apply for an air discharge consent. The assessment of effects described in this report concludes that in the absence of appropriate controls, there is a short-term moderate to high risk of dust from the development of stockpiles of topsoil, adversely affecting the nearest private dwelling at 111 Willows Road. The risk of nuisance dust at the dwelling at 122 Willows Road is assessed as moderate. The risk of dust generated from other site construction activities, such as the tunnel portal, rock stack, and access road adversely affecting private dwellings in the proximity of the project is assessed as low. The concentrations of contaminants including particulate matter (PM10), respirable crystalline silica, nitrogen oxides (NO2 and NO) and carbon monoxide are expected to remain within the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NESAQ), guideline values and current consent limits beyond the boundary of the project. The risks of discharges tonative flora or fauna, particularly the Archey’s frog, near to the proposed tunnel raises is considered to be very low. Providing OGNZL uses the methods currently used successfully at its other operations at the Waihi Mine to minimise discharges to air, along with the additional mitigation measures recommended in this report, discharges to air from the site will be adequately avoided and mitigated and the risk that these discharges will result in noxious, dangerous, offensive or objectionable effects is considered to be low.