Supporting Technical Assessments

| Proposed Mitigation and Monitoring | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 50 8 Proposed Mitigation and Monitoring 8.1 Current Mitigation Measures used by OGNZL The mitigation measures currently used by OGNZL to control dust at the Waihi Mine site will be used at the Willows Road site. These methods, which are well proven, are summarised in Section 5 and described in the appended draft AQMP prepared for the site. 8.2 Monitoring Programme Ongoing visual monitoring of dust across the site will be undertaken during construction and operation of the project. Weather forecasts will be checked daily (wind and rainfall) to assist with planning site activities and dust controls. Table 8-1 outlines the site dust monitoring programme that will be implemented when surface infrastructure is being installed and during operations. It should be noted that in the instance of strong winds, observations of dust moving off-site or a complaint, the monitoring will be undertaken more regularly. Table 8-1 Dust Monitoring Programme Monitoring Activities Frequency Check weather forecasts for strong winds and rainfall Daily Observe weather conditions, wind via observations and Weather Station Daily and as conditions change Inspect dust generating activities (earthworks, internal roads and stockpiles) to ensure dust emissions are effectively controlled. Complete dust inspection log. Daily and as new activities are commenced. Inspect water carts to ensure equipment is functioning effectively Daily when operating Monitor dust generating activities In winds over 5 m/s (as per site weather station) 8.3 Weather and TSP Monitoring, Triggers and Actions There is a moderate to high, short-term risk of dust generated at the site creating adverse effects at several privately owned dwellings located within approximately 200m downwind to the east/southeast of the site during surface infrastructure construction (especially development of the topsoil stores) during dry, windy conditions. To mitigate this risk, it is recommended that a monitoring station is installed on a suitable site in the vicinity of the OGNZL- owned dwelling (see approximate location of monitoring station in Figure 8-1) which will provide for the measurement of local meteorological information (particularly wind speed and direction) and total suspended particulate (TSP). The purpose of the monitoring will be to monitor short term (< 1 hour) dust concentrations and wind conditions with the outputs of the instruments able to be used to trigger additional dust control measures (if TSP concentrations or wind speeds exceed specified values) and if necessary, stop contributing dust generating work. It is further recommended that based on information obtained at the new monitoring station, that the following wind speed and TSP trigger levels be applied for reviewing and temporarily ceasing work and are included in the draft AQMP for the site. These trigger levels are based on those recommended in the GPG Dust and are summarised in Table 8-2. The monitoring should continue at least until vegetation is fully