Supporting Technical Assessments

| Potential Effects of Project on Environment | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 45 7.6.2 Effects of dust from project surface features on nearby dwellings There are several privately owned dwellings in relatively close proximity to the boundary of the Willows Road site. These dwellings are considered to have a moderate to high sensitivity to dust nuisance effects when the dust from a new source (such as activities at the Willows Road site) is experienced more frequently, or in greater quantities than is typically experienced at present. The key project surface features that, without appropriate management, may cause nuisance dust to the nearest neighbours during development are the WRS, collection ponds, access roads, noise bunds and topsoil storage. Construction of these features will involve land disturbance (topsoil removal), earthworks, or storage of material during construction, which could produce relatively high volumes of dust under dry, windy weather conditions. The nearest dwelling (132 Willows Road) is owned by OGNZL and is located immediately to the east of the proposed carpark. The privately owned dwelling at 111 Willows Road is located approximately 145m to the east southeast of the closest point to the topsoil storage area. The dwelling at 122 Willows Road lies a further away to the east at 245m from the topsoil stockpile and 109m from the nearest noise bund. The rock stack and mine access road will be located approximately 600 m to the northwest of the nearest privately owned dwellings at their closest points. The rock stack runoff collection pond will lie approximately 400m northwest of these dwellings on Willows Road at its closest point. Based on available data from the nearby Barrys Road station, winds in excess of 5m/s (where dust pick-up may occur) may occur from the southwest to west for approximately 9.8 and 10% of the time, respectively. Thus, stronger winds from the southwest to west may be experienced at the site for ~20% of the time. While these stronger winds will tend to blow any dust onto rural land further to the east and northeast, the closest dwellings on Willows Road may also be influenced by stronger winds on occasion, depending on local topography. During the formation of the topsoil store, the closest privately owned dwelling at 111 Willows Road may be at a moderate to high risk of being affected by nuisance dust from the topsoil stockpile unless particular care is taken with dust control. The risk of dust nuisance at 122 Willows Road from the topsoil stockpiles is assessed as moderate as the site lies approximately 245m from the stockpiles at their closest point. Once the construction works are finished and the surfaces of the topsoil stores and noise bund are consolidated and grassed, the risk of dust impacts on the nearest dwellings will reduce to low. Providing the dust mitigation methods as described in Section 5 are carried out diligently, the risk of nuisance dust from the construction and operation of the WRS, tunnel portal and access roads affecting the nearest residences is expected to be low. The closest dwellings on Highland Road, to the southwest of the project, are all located at least 700 m from any likely major sources of dust during construction and are beyond the distance that dust is expected to travel under the expected prevailing light wind conditions in that direction. The magazine access road is the closest site surface feature and lies approximately 350 m to the northeast of Highland Road at its closest point. The road is not expected to be a source of nuisance dust at these dwellings due to the generally light winds that blow across the site from the northeast and the separation distance. To monitor the effects of nuisance dust on the closest dwellings, it is recommended that the monitoring described in Section 8 is carried out. 7.6.3 Effects from portal and ventilation raises The Willows Portal will be located at least 600m to the west northwest of the nearest privately owned dwellings (at 111 and 122 Willows Road) which is well beyond the distance that dust would be expected to