Supporting Technical Assessments

| Potential Effects of Project on Environment | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 43 The ongoing operation of the WRS is not expected to create a significant risk of dust at the closest privately owned dwellings if appropriate mitigation is carried out. Based on the assessment, when appropriate mitigation and management methods as currently used at the Waihi mine are implemented as described in Section 5, the adverse nuisance effects of dust generated by the proposed activities are expected to be low. 7.6 Potential Nuisance Effects of Deposited and Suspended Dust 7.6.1 Overview Figure 7-1 shows the location of proposed site works and the distance to the nearest sensitive human receptors (i.e dwellings) overlaid with the windrose for Waihi. From Figure 7-1, it can be seen that the strongest, most frequent winds blow across the site from the west/southwest. This would blow any dust generated on site onto mainly rural land to the northeast. However, due to the complex nature of the local topography, these winds could also impact areas to the east - which includes the dwellings at 111 and 122 Willows Road. Less frequent, lighter winds also blow across the site from the northeast/east. The lower strength of these winds means that dust is less likely to be entrained and then transported to downwind dwellings further to the southwest on Highland Road (at least 350m from site works).