Supporting Technical Assessments

| Potential Effects of Project on Environment | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 40 Table 7-1 Risk factors assigned to each sensitive receptor group Risk Factors Less than 50m from works Between 50m and 100m from works Between 100m and 200m from works Further than 200m from works Downwind of works in prevailing wind conditions Very high High Moderate Moderate Downwind of works in secondary wind conditions High Moderate Moderate Low Infrequently downwind Moderate Low Low Low 7.3 Sensitivity of Receiving Environment As part of the FIDOL “location” factor (refer Section 6.1) the sensitivity of the receiving environment needs to be taken into consideration. Different locations have different sensitivities to dust and can be broadly classified as having high, moderate or low sensitivity. The degree of sensitivity in any location is based on characteristics of the land use, including the time of day and the reason people are at the location (e.g. for work, home living, or recreation). In a residential area, an acceptable frequency of a dust (or odour) event is likely to be much lower than would be acceptable in an industrial or rural area. Similarly, the acceptance of deposited dust and odour in a residential area will be lower than what is acceptable in industrial areas. The GPG Dust provides guidance with regards to classifying the sensitivity of different land uses to dust nuisance effects. Different land uses are classified as having either a “high”, “moderate”, or “low” sensitivity to dust. The GPG Dust classifies residential areas as having a high sensitivity to dust and odour nuisance effects for the following reasons; ● People can be present at all times of day and night, both indoors and outdoors ● People of high sensitivity (including children and the elderly) can be exposed ● People usually expect a high level of amenity in their home and tend to carry out activities at residences which are highly sensitive dust and odour such as dining, outdoor living, and drying clothes. The land which surrounds the Willows Road site is rural in character. Rural areas generally have lower sensitivity to dust nuisance compared to residential areas due to the lower population density of these areas. Agricultural fields and forestry areas can be expected to have a low occupancy, particularly at night. However, a higher level of air quality amenity would be expected at the nearby rural dwellings. The GPG Dust classifies rural dwellings as having a moderate to high sensitivity to dust nuisance effects. The nearest privately owned dwellings to the site are located at 111 and 122 Willows Road (between approximately 100m and 150m from the topsoil storage areas at their closest points). 7.4 Potential Range of Effects of Dust 7.4.1 Overview Mining activities will generate a wide range of dust particle sizes, but the particulate generated from the processes required to develop and operate the tunnels are likely to consist of mainly the larger size fractions