Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Effects of Waihi Operations on the Environment | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 38 It should be noted, however, that the current deposited and suspended dust monitoring programme does not provide any information on short term dust concentrations and that, at times, locations downwind of the Waihi Mine may experience higher than normal dust concentrations for short periods of time, which may be noticeable to the public. Nevertheless, the results of the long-term monitoring programme and the findings of WRC’s 4-year monitoring program, indicate that any such events do not occur sufficiently frequently, or are of sufficient magnitude, to increase the long-term average concentrations above the relevant guidelines and standards. The risk of discharges to air from blasting resulting in ambient concentrations of contaminants that exceed the NESAQ and AAQG at locations, where members of the public may be exposed, have also been demonstrated by monitoring to be minimal. No complaints have been received regarding blasting emissions since the notification system was instituted in 2005 and blasting procedures were changed. These complaints related to an open pit and not to underground operations as proposed at WUG. Overall, it is considered that based on long term monitoring results and the record of complaints, past and current discharges to air from the nearby Waihi mining operation are not having significant effects on ambient air quality and that current mitigation methods are appropriate. The Waihi mine activity is a significantly larger operation than the Willows Road site, within a more sensitive environment and therefore provides a good basis for consideration of likely worst-case effects of Willows Road site activities. Regardless, the expected effects of the proposal, based on local site conditions, have also been assessed (see Section 7).