Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Effects of Waihi Operations on the Environment | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 37 The source of non-dust related complaints has varied and included herbicide spray, fires, and steam emission from the mine shafts. Only one complaint has been received with regards to odour during the period22. Figure 6-2 Air Quality Complaints Received by OGNZL 6.4.2 Emissions from blasting At times, complaints have also been received regarding odours and smoke from blast emissions. In 2004, in response to a series of 3 complaints in February relating to odours from blasting in the Martha Pit, a notification system was established for the Waihi Mine. The system notifies residents known to be sensitive to blast odours when blasts are due to occur and when winds are from the northeast to southeast, are less than 5m/s and when the blast is to be located on the west wall of the open Martha Pit (i.e not underground as proposed for WUG). No substantiated complaints regarding blasting odours have been received since 2005 and none associated with any of the Waihi operations. 6.5 Summary of Current and Past Effects of Mining in Waihi The results of ambient air quality monitoring and the complaints history for the Waihi Mine demonstrate that any increase above background contaminants (deposited dust, TSP, PM2.5 and PM10 and silica) concentrations measured at sites in the vicinity of the mining operation are below the relevant standards and guidelines recommended by MfE and within the current resource consent limits. 22 Note: OGNZL adopts a conservative approach and records all complaints received regardless of whether they are attributable to the operations 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Complaintsper year Dust related Other