Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 24 Figure 3-3 Windrose showing hourly average wind speed and directions at OGNZL Barry Road Climate Station 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2019 (data supplied by OGNZL). A windrose showing winds that exceed 5m/s is shown in Figure 3-4. From the generated wind frequency distribution data, winds from the west south-west through to the west, exceed 5m/s for approximately 19.8% of the time. Very high winds (>10m/s) from these directions occur approximately 0.8% and 0.6% of the time which is infrequent. Winds from all other directions that exceed 5m/s are very infrequent. Wind direction patterns are relatively consistent throughout the year with spring having the highest average wind speeds and autumn the lowest. Similar, wind direction patterns are also observed during the day and night, although on average wind speeds are greater during the day (average wind speed 3.9 m/s) compared to the night (average wind speed 3.0m/s). The proportion of hours when wind speeds are less than 0.5m/s is also greater during the night compared to the day (15.2% of the time during the night vs 5.5% of the time during the day).