2 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . 1. Executive Summary A location assessment for a proposed surface located class 1 storage facility known as the ‘Willows Road – Surface Magazine Facility’ is the subject of this technical report. The class 1 facility will be utilised for mining operations associated with the ‘Wharekirauponga Underground’ (WUG) mine. The ‘ Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017 ’ is the key legislation that must be considered when designing, constructing and licensing a class 1 storage facility. The newly proposed facility would be deemed compliant and suitable for a total capacity of up to 7,360 kg of mixed class1 substances. The facility would utilise up to 7 individual magazines to accommodate up to 7,360 kg of class 1 substances to mitigate the requirement for greater overpressure offset distances (controlled zones). Appropriate offsets distances between magazine units (known as Inter-Magazine Distance or IMD) are established in order to mitigate risk of nearfield propagation between each individual magazine unit. The calculated controlled zones are therefore based upon the stored quantity (Net Explosive Quantity or NEQ in kg) in each of the individual magazines. The stored substances at the facility would comprise of a variety of commercial explosives products that are commonly used in similar mining operations. The proposed location of the facility is shown in Figure 1. The assessment of this location considered a number of factors including environmental considerations, operational efficiency and personnel safety. The location and proposed storage quantities are deemed to be compliant with the relevant hazardous substance legislation. Controlled zone calculations have been based upon TNT equivalence (see definitions), whereby multiple grades and types of commercial explosives may be stored at the location at any given time. ‘Figure 1 – Aerial image indicating proposed Willows Road Magazine Facility’ 1100 m NORTH Proposed Magazine Compound (Total capacity at 7,360, kg - NEQ) Areas shaded in blue indicate OGNZL land title