Supporting Technical Assessments

| Project Description | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 18 ● 5 return trips (average) per truck (4 trucks) per day from the development face of the tunnel to the surface rock stockpiles ● Rock will be stockpiled underground when excavated at night (additional trucks may be required as tunnel length increases) ● Infrequent Monday to Saturday deliveries of consumables and equipment ● Twice daily fuel deliveries to surface and underground works. 2.6 WUG Access Tunnel A single 5km long tunnel will connect the dual tunnels at Willows Road (below the first ventilation shaft) to an additional portal; (the WUG Portal), located at the Waihi Processing Plant. This tunnel will be primarily used for transport of ore on the commencement of mining. Once the Willows Road Rock Stack is exhausted, the tunnel will be used to convey rock from the NRS to the orebody to backfill stopes. The tunnel will also be used for general operational access between the mine and Processing Plant. Construction will take place in parallel with main access tunnels. Construction will take place from both ends which will enable construction without the need for an additional ventilation raise. 2.7 Mining The underground mining operation will commence as the second phase of the project once the tunnels reach the orebody and appropriate ventilation has been established. The mining process would include: ● Firing in stopes twice daily ● Trucks hauling ore 24 hours per day. 2.8 Working Hours Initial works to establish surface infrastructure at the Willows Road site will be undertaken on a day shift basis 24 hour and 7 days per week basis within specified noise limits. Once development of the tunnels can be commenced, work will continue on a 24 hours per day, 7 day per week basis (subject to specified noise limitations). Mining and ongoing development will also occur continuously. During mining, although the majority of work will be underground, there will be the requirement for machinery and personnel to return to the surface. This will, however, be less frequent as the mine progresses and as facilities are established underground such as workshop and magazine. 2.9 Work Schedule It is estimated that the work to develop the tunnels, including preparatory and site establishment works, will take up to 48 months from consent approval, with first stopes expected 8 months later. The Life of Mine design and schedule will be finalised after completion of exploration drilling. 2.10 Closure and Rehabilitation 2.10.1Site surface infrastructure At the completion of the project, all surface infrastructure at the Willows Road site will be removed, and footprint areas fully rehabilitated to return the land to pre-tunnelling status suitable for farming. Stockpiled topsoil will be reclaimed for use in rehabilitation.