Supporting Technical Assessments

| Project Description | WNP Wharekirauponga Underground Mine - Assessment of Effects of Discharges to Air | 4397169-66885702-23 | | 15 Figure 2-3 3D View of Willows Road site rock storage and runoff retention ponds (Source: OGNZL) 2.2.5 Site access and haul roads An internal access road off Willows Road will be constructed to the site with spur connections to the main site infrastructure including the first aid room and gate house, office/change house, workshop and magazine. These roads will be not be sealed but will be constructed of gravel, with 6m running width and provision for drainage. An 8m wide access road constructed of rock base with crushed rock surfacing will run from the Surface Facilities Area to the Willows portal which will include a connection to the farm track for transport of rock to the lower benches of the stack. A separate 6m wide all-weather access road will be established to service the explosives storage magazines. The total length of onsite road construction will be approximately 2.5km. Mobile machinery including two 45 tonne haul trucks, a grader, fuel truck and water cart will be used on the site roads. 2.2.6 Explosive magazines and emulsion storage facility A series of class 1 explosives magazines which conform to New Zealand hazardous substances regulations will be located on the surface at the Willows Rd project site (see location in Figure 2-1). The magazines will be locked and securely fenced, and access strictly controlled. Due to the long distances involved, a permanent underground magazine will be required at WUG in addition to the existing surface magazine once stoping commences. A class 5 emulsion storage facility will also be established as part of the surface infrastructure development. This will require fencing and appropriate separation distances from combustibles.