Supporting Technical Assessments

1 | P a g e Class 1 Location Assessment Willows Road - Surface Magazine, WUG - Waihi North Project . Table of Contents 1 Executive Summary 2 2 Introduction 3 3 Regulatory Compliance Considerations for Class 1 Storage Facilities 3 3.1 Location Compliance Certification 4 3.2 Other Design and Storage Considerations 4 4 Willows Road – Surface Magazine Facility Overview 5 4.1 Operational and Product Storage Capacity Requirements 6 4.2 Controlled Zone Considerations 6 4.3 Controlled Zone Considerations in Relation to Regulatory Thresholds 7 4.4 Proposed Magazine Facility Layout and Site Detail 10 5 Conclusion and Summary 11 Terms and Definitions 13 Reference A – Legislative Framework within New Zealand 14 Reference B – Supporting Standards and Guidance 14 Reference C – Formulae and Scaling Law for Controlled Zone Calculations 14