Supporting Technical Assessments

| Introduction | WNP – Air Discharge Assessment - Wharekirauponga Underground Mine -t| 4397169-66885702-23 | |8 Figure 1-1 Overview of Waihi North Project (Source: OGNZL) 1.2.2 Services Trench A services trench connecting the Willows Road Surface Facilities Area (SFA) to the existing Processing Plant will be constructed that will likely carry mine drainage and rock stack contact water (to WTP), treated water return, raw water line, potable water line, a 33kV cable and a fibre optic cable. 1.2.3 Surface infrastructure Surface infrastructure at Willows Road will include: ● Office, crib room, change house, first aid room and stores building ● Small service workshop and wash down bay ● Lay down area for storage of tunnelling consumables such as poly pipe, vent bag and rock bolts/mesh ● A single rock stack of approximately 5.5ha in area with total storage capacity of 900,000m3 ● Topsoil stockpiles ● Sumps and ponds for general surface water collection/settling and stockpile/mine water collection ● Private road connection to Willows Road and internal site access roads ● Carpark