Supporting Technical Assessments

| Executive Summary | WNP – Air Discharge Assessment - Wharekirauponga Underground Mine -t| 4397169-66885702-23 | |4 Revision History Revision No Prepared by Description Date Draft A Prue Harwood Draft for client review 10 September 2020 Draft B Prue Harwood Draft incorporating client comments 19 October 2020 Draft C Prue Harwood Draft incorporating updated project description 8 December 2020 Draft D Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Draft incorporating updated Waihi North Project – Willows Road site 8 July 2021 Draft E Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Draft incorporating client comments and updated project description 5 October 2021 Draft F Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Draft including client and peer review comments 13 December 2021 Draft G Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Final Draft 14 February 2022 Draft H Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Final Draft 18 May 2022 Final Rev0 Mathew Noonan and Graeme Jenner Final 14 June 2022 Document Acceptance Action Name Signed Date Prepared by Prue Harwood and Graeme Jenner 14 June 2022 Reviewed by Mathew Noonan 14 June 2022 Approved by 14 June 2022 on behalf of Beca Limited