Supporting Technical Assessments

| Executive Summary | WNP – Air Discharge Assessment - Wharekirauponga Underground Mine -t| 4397169-66885702-23 | |3 Figure 6-2 Air Quality Complaints Received by OGNZL ................................................................................. 37 Figure 7-1 Plan showing Willows Road site layout, location of OGNZL and distances from surface infrastructure to nearest dwellings (with the Waihi windrose shown) .............................................................. 44 Figure 8-1 Plan showing the recommended location of the meteorological and TSP monitoring site. ........... 52 Tables Table 4-1 Relevant air quality assessment criteria.......................................................................................... 27 Table 4-2 GPG Dust TSP trigger levels........................................................................................................... 28 Table 7-1 Risk factors assigned to each sensitive receptor group.................................................................. 40 Table 8-1 Dust Monitoring Programme ........................................................................................................... 50 Table 8-2 Recommended trigger values and actions for wind speeds and TSP concentrations at proposed monitoring site ................................................................................................................................................. 51 Appendices Appendix A – Tonkin & Taylor report: Assessment of mine vent air quality impacts to inform an assessment of ecological effects on Archey’s frog