Supporting Technical Assessments

| Dispersion Modelling Methodology | WNP Processing Plant Air Discharge Assessment | 4397169-66885702-113 | 16/06/2022 | 18 Sensitivity: General Figure 5-2. Location of the discrete receptor points (blue circles) and gridded receptors (green crosses). The red lines show the boundaries of properties owned by OGNZL 5.9 Building Downwash Buildings and structures within the vicinity of a discharge can impact on airflow in the area and therefore the dispersion of contaminants within that discharge. This impact is referred to as building “downwash”. The effects of building “downwash” on the dispersion of contaminants have been incorporated into the model using the PRIME building wake algorithm. The directional influences of buildings and structures at the site have been determined using the USEPA BPIP (Building Profile Input Program) software. Figure 5-3 shows the buildings structures in the vicinity of the modelled emission sources which were incorporated into the CALPUFF dispersion model.