Supporting Technical Assessments

| Processing Plant Emissions | WNP Processing Plant Air Discharge Assessment | 4397169-66885702-113 | 16/06/2022 | 3 Sensitivity: General 2 Processing Plant Emissions 2.1 Emission Sources A summary of the ore processing is given in Appendix A. The main emission sources of mercury and other metals emitted from the Processing Plant are as follows: ● The electrowinning stack ● The combined oven and furnace stack ● The carbon regeneration stack. The locations of the Processing Plant emission sources are shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1. Location of the Processing Plant emission sources 2.2 Mercury Emissions The factors which influence the amount of mercury discharged from the Processing Plant are: ● The ore processing rate ● The mercury content of the ore ● The proportion of the mercury which is retained in the tailings ● The efficiency of any emission control equipment installed in the Processing Plant. The Martha Underground Ground (MUG) ore which is currently processed at the site has a mercury content of appropriately 0.30ppm. The average mercury content of the WUG and GOP ores are respectively expected to be approximately 2 and 11 times higher than the mercury content of the MUG ore (i.e. 0.6ppm and 3.3ppm1). The proportion of the mercury which is retained in the GOP ore tailings is also expected to be 1 Short term peaks in the GOP ore may be as high as 3.62ppm