Supporting Technical Assessments

| Proposed Mitigation Measures | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 67 Wind Speed Alarm (note this does not apply during rain events) Gust wind speeds (two-minute average or less) exceed 10 m/s during two consecutive ten-minute periods and winds are blowing towards sensitive receptors within 100 m of the project boundaries. Works may recommence when wind gusts (two-minute average or less) are less than 7.5 m/s during the previous two consecutive ten-minute periods. Contributing dust-generating activities will cease within 200 m of sensitive except for dust control activities as detailed in the site AQMP. 8.3 Mercury The mercury emissions from the Processing Plant are expected to increase when ore from GOP and WUG is processed. To mitigate these effects, OGNZL will install a retort oven before GOP and WUG ore is processed. Retort ovens are a widely used emission control technology for gold ore processing applications. A retort oven is currently in use at the Macraes Gold Mine in Otago. It is recommended that emission testing be conducted when processing of GOP and WUG ore commences to confirm the expected mercury emission rates from the Processing Plant. The testing should include the discharges from the electrowinning cells, oven/furnace, and carbon regeneration stack. If required to comply with the ambient air quality guideline, OGNZL would install additional emission controls. The emission control technology which would be implemented has yet to be confirmed. However, the assessment of technology options will take into consideration the Minimata Best Practice Guidelines.