Supporting Technical Assessments

| Potential Effects on the Environment of WNP | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 60 stockpiles are vegetated or otherwise consolidated, the stockpiles will shelter and screen the house from the TSF3. Based on the separation distance between the dwelling and the proposed site operations and prevailing wind direction , the risk of residents being adversely affected by dust, whilst the stockpiles are being formed, is considered to be low. There are no other residential properties in the vicinity of the TSF3 and topsoil stockpile site which would potentially be impacted. However, there is a property located to the southwest of TSF3 on which dwellings may possibly be built as a permitted activity in the future. The distance between the closest boundary of the property and TSF3 is approximately 180 m. If dwellings were to be built on this property in the future, they would have a moderate risk of being adversely affected by dust from the TSF3 and the topsoil stockpile. To minimise the risk of adverse effects occurring on any potential dwellings, particular care will need to be taken with vehicle movements on exposed areas of the structures and when materials on the stockpile and TSF3 are being moved, especially in dry windy weather. However, if the control measures are implemented as described, the discharges to air from the construction and operation of the topsoil stockpile and the TSF3 will be able to be adequately avoided and mitigated. 7.4.3 Northern Rock Stack The proposed location of the NRS is shown in Figure 2-5. The structure will be located to the north of TSF2 and will extend to the base of a bush-clad hill to the northeast which is identified by the Hauraki District Plan as a Significant Natural Area. A topsoil stockpile will be constructed to the north of the NRS adjacent to Golden Valley Road. The closest privately-owned dwellings to the NRS are located approximately 90 m and 100m to the east of the closest stockpile associated with the NRS and approximately 300 m and 450 m from the nearest corner of the NRS. These dwellings will be downwind of the proposed NRS and associated stockpiles in the prevailing westerly winds for approximately 19.6% of the time, and between 9.8 - 18.6% of the time when winds speeds are greater than 5 m/s. Once the stockpile is complete and vegetated, the stockpile will provide screening for the houses but during construction of the stockpile particular care will need to be taken with earthworks and vehicle movements on exposed surfaces, especially in dry windy weather to avoid adverse effects due to dust. OGNZL proposes to revegetate the stockpile as soon as practical after construction is complete, which will minimise the generation of dust and the duration of potential impacts on the house. During construction of the stockpiles, it is recommended that the additional mitigation measures described in Section 8.2 are implemented until the stockpiles are completed and the surfaces consolidated and/or vegetated. The next closest privately-owned dwelling to the NRS is located approximately 450 m to the northeast of the eastern extent of the proposed stockpile and approximately 500 m from the NRS. This dwelling will be downwind of the proposed NRS and associated stockpile in the prevailing westerly winds but will be screened from the NRS and stockpile by a hill. Given the large separation distance between the dwelling and the proposed works and the screening effect of the hill, the risk that dust from the project will cause an adverse effect at this property is considered to be low.