Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Air Quality Effects | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 54 Roycroft Street site were well within the consent trigger limits and were less than the values recorded at the routine monitoring sites, 6.61 (Grey Street) and 6.63 (Met Station). The additional dust mitigation implemented included the installation of a sprinkler system in the crusher area and an increased frequency of watering roads and high activity areas and more frequent use of water cannons on stockpiles during dry summer periods. 6.4.2 2011 dust complaints Of the 28 complaints that were received in 2011, 20 related to the Martha open pit operations, 5 concerned the RTSA and one concerned the Processing Plant area. The complaints were received from 18 complainants. The majority of complaints were received after a proposed mine development plan was announced to the public and a community consultation programme was conducted. Following the consultation, 12 complaints were received. The complaints were attributed to a very dry and windy November combined with a water cart breakdown for 36 hours and no sprinklers being used on a temporary portable crusher. The report noted that all monitored dust levels were higher than normal during the month including those upwind of the mine. To prevent a recurrence of the problems, a back-up water cart was contracted and a requirement for using sprinkler systems on any new crushing equipment was implemented. 6.4.3 Complaints about smoke and blast emissions At times, complaints have been received regarding odours and smoke from blast emissions and fires. In 2004, in response to a series of 3 complaints in February relating to blast odours, a notification system was established. The system notifies residents known to be sensitive to blast odours when blasts are due to occur and when winds are from the northeast to southeast, are less than 5m/s and when the blast is to be located on the west wall of the pit. OGNZL also changed the blasting procedures in response to the complaints. No substantiated complaints regarding blasting odours have been received since 2005. Since 2004, 6 complaints have been recorded regarding smoke from fires, with the last substantiated complaint being received in 2009. 6.4.4 Location of complainants Figure 6-9 shows the approximate location of complainants who have reported dust effects between 2002 and 2022. Only complaints for which a location could be estimated are show in the figure. The colour of markers showing the location of complaint varies with regards to the number of complaints which have been received from each address.