Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Air Quality Effects | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 53 6.4 Complaints and Compliance History OGNZL records all complaints it receives regarding dust, smoke, blasting odours and agrochemical spraying. Figure 6-8 illustrates the number of complaints received by OGNZL each year since 2002. All complaints that are received are included in the data record even if the cause of the complaint could not be determined or attributed to the mine. However, two complaints which were attributed to pollen have been excluded. The historical complaints data demonstrates that in most years, the number of dust related complaints received is less than 10 which is considered to be a moderate to low level for a mining activity the size of the Waihi Mine which is located within a sensitive receiving environment. During 2004 and 2011, the number of complaints was average higher, with 18 complaints being received in 2004 and 28 in 2011. The source of non-dust related complaints has varied and included herbicide spray, fires, and steam emission from the mine shafts. Only one complaint has been received with regards to odour during the period. Figure 6-8. Air Quality Complaints Received by OGNZL 6.4.1 2004 dust complaints The Annual Air Monitoring Review for 2004 noted that all of the 17 complaints were from one complainant located in Roycroft Street and were received in the early months of the year. The five complaints received in 2003 were also from the same complainant in December of that year. Roycroft Street is located approximately 320 m to the east of Martha Pit. The complainant was concerned about dust on surfaces in her home and the health of her family and alleged that dust emissions from the mine, crusher, stockpile area and haul roads were visible from her home. In response to these complaints, OGNZL initiated some additional ambient air quality monitoring in Roycroft Street which continued for a period of 12 months and some additional dust mitigation measures. The results of the monitoring demonstrated that both deposited dust levels and TSP concentrations measured at the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Number of Complaintsper year Dust related Other