Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Air Quality Effects | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 51 Figure 6-7. Annual average TSP concentration compared to annual tonnage of materials moved. PM10 and Silica OGNZL monitored the 24-hour average ambient concentrations of PM10 and respirable silica, every two years, for periods of approximately four months (typically January to April), from 2000 to 2014. The monitoring programme was suspended in 2015, with the agreement of WRC, due to no issues being identified and because mining in the Martha Pit had stopped. This monitoring was undertaken at various sites in Waihi and using several different monitoring methods. Consequently, not all sets of monitoring results are directly comparable. Monitoring initially conducted at the Site 6.63 (Met Station), however since February 2001 monitoring has occur at Site 6.61 (Grey Street) (approximately 210m to the north-east of Martha Pit, downwind in prevailing wind direction). Table 6-6 summarises the results of ambient PM10 and respirable silica monitoring reported by OGNZL in 2014 (the last year that the monitoring was carried out). The results of the monitoring consistently demonstrated that the concentrations of PM10 and respirable silica were well within health-based guidelines and standards at all the monitored sites. Table 6-6. Summary of 24-hour PM10 and silica monitoring results Year PM10 (µg/m3) (24-hour average) Respirable Silica (µg/m3) (24-hour average) Range Average Range Average 2000/1 3.5 – 27.0 14.6 <d – 1.1 NA 2003 7.3 – 34.8 18.7 <d – 6.2 NA 2005 5.9 – 40.7 19.2 <d – 10.0a NA 2007 0.4 – 39.4 13.4 0.1 – 4.2 0.9 2009 9.7 – 37.2 18.6 0.1 – 1.7 0.9 2011/12 9.1 – 29.8 17.0 <d – 2.1 0.5 2014 6.4 – 17.6 12.0 0.1 – 2.6 1.0 <d = less than detection, a 2005 report considered that the maximum result was spurious. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Annual Production Rates (Mt) Annual Average TSP Concentrations (ug/m3) Annual Average TSP Concentrations Annual Production Rate