Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Air Quality Effects | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 50 Table 6-5. Summary of statistical analysis of TSP monitoring data (January 2000 – December 2020) Monitoring Site Summary of Results 6.61 (Grey Street) Concentration slightly higher than background concentrations. Mining activities a possible contributor to TSP levels. Similar levels to those at Sites 6.64 (Courthouse), and 6.78 (Slevin St). 6.63 (Met Station) Highest average concentrations above background levels, closest proximity and downwind of Martha Pit. Mining activities a likely contributor to TSP levels. Concentrations have decreased markedly since sealing the adjacent roadway. 6.64 (Courthouse) Concentration slightly higher than background concentrations. Mining unlikely to be a significant contributor to TSP levels. Similar levels to those at Sites 6.61 (Grey St), and 6.78 (Slevin St). 6.65 (Old House) Representative of background/baseline levels. Not significantly different from Site 6.66 (College) levels. 6.66 (College) Representative of background/baseline levels. Not significantly different from Site 6.65 (Old House) levels. 6.78 (Slevin St) Concentration slightly higher than background concentrations. Mining activities a possible contributor to TSP levels. Similar levels to those at Sites 6.61 (Grey St), and 6.64 (Courthouse). 6.2.3 Comparison of annual average TSP concentrations with annual production rates The annual average TSP concentrations measured at Site 6.63 (Met Station) are compared with the annual tonnage of material handled at the mine in Figure 6-7. The figure shows that annual average TSP concentrations have varied at Site 6.63 (Met Station) with production rates to some degree, but also illustrates that annual average TSP concentrations are also likely to be influenced by sources other than the mine. This is particularly evident for 2015 and 2016 when production effectively ceased in April 2015, but annual average TSP concentrations remained at similar levels to 2014. This is not unexpected as the measured TSP concentrations will include sources such as domestic heating and vehicle emissions within Waihi, which are unrelated to mining activities. The upgrade to the perimeter road in 2010 would also be expected to have an impact on the observed TSP concentrations.