Supporting Technical Assessments

| Existing Air Quality Effects | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 41 Table 6-1 Description of 2019 permanent monitoring sites Site No Description Location Contaminants monitored Comments 6.59 (Torrens, Alexander) Alexanders, Golden Valley North of development site Deposited dust Rural area, 2450m east of Martha Pit, and 930m north east of Processing Plant. Representative of rural background levels. 6.60 (Torrens, Town End) Torrens, Golden Valley North of mill Deposited dust Rural area, 1710m east of pit, 520m northeast of Processing Plant. 6.61 (Leaches) OGNZL Leaches North-north east of Martha Pit Deposited dust Semi-rural area. 540m north-north east of pit, downwind of the northwest face of the Martha Pit in prevailing winds. 6.61 (Grey St) OGNZL Grey street (TSP site) Northeast of Martha Pit TSP Semi-rural area. 210m north-north east of Martha Pit, downwind in prevailing winds. 6.63 (Met Station) OGNZL Met Station Barry Road Southeast of Martha Pit Deposited dust, TSP and meteorology Parkland, 140m east of Martha Pit, downwind in prevailing winds. 6.64 (Courthouse) Court House, Haszard Street South of Martha Pit TSP Commercial area 310m south of Martha Pit. Not downwind of pit. Representative of urban background levels. 6.65 (Old House) Moresby Avenue Southwest of Martha Pit TSP Urban area, 75m south west of Martha Pit. Downwind of pit in secondary winds 6.66 (College) Waihi College, Rata Street West of Martha Pit Deposited dust and TSP Urban area, 630m west of Martha Pit, Upwind of pit in prevailing wind conditions. Representative of urban background levels. 6.70 (Smith) Smith’s Farm, Baxter Road East of TSF1A Deposited dust Rural area, 420m east of TSF1A. Downwind of TSF1A in prevailing winds Decommissioned in September 2020 6.71 (Morrison) Morrison’s Farm, Trig Road Southeast of TSF1A Deposited dust Rural area, 270m southeast of TSF1A. Downwind of TSF1A embankments during prevailing winds. 6.72 (Baxter Rd) Ruddock’s Farm, Baxter Road West of TSF1A Deposited dust Rural area, 330m southwest of TSF2 and 580m west of TSF1A. Downwind of TSF1A and 2 in secondary winds. 6.75 (TSF-East) Trig Road East of TSF1A Deposition dust Rural area, east of TSF1A. A replacement site for 6.70 (Smith). Comparative monitoring started in 2017 6.78 (Slevin St) Cnr Grey & Slevin Streets East of Martha Pit TSP Parkland 150m east of pit. Downwind of Martha Pit in prevailing winds. 6.00 (Bulltown) Bulltown Road North of Martha Pit Deposited dust New site added in January 2017, Bulltown Road, 140m north of Martha Pit, not downwind of pit. 6.2.2 Monitoring methods Deposited dust Deposited dust is measured by means of a dust gauge that captures dust settling from the air over a fixed surface area over a prescribed period of time, usually 30 days or a month. The dust is removed from the gauge, filtered and weighed and the results reported in terms of the dust collected per unit area per unit of time, e.g. g/m2/30days.