Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 38 The locations of the closest privately owned dwellings are also shown in Figure 5-10(marked by red circles). The closest privately-owned dwellings (R21 and R22) to the NRS are located approximately 90 - 100 m to the east of the closest stockpile associated with the NRS and approximately 450 m from the nearest corner of the NRS. Both dwellings are located on the same property. However, R22 appears to be a smaller ‘sleepout’ type structure rather than a main residence. The next closest privately-owned dwelling (R23) to the NRS is located approximately 450 m to the northeast of the eastern extent of the proposed stockpile and approximately 500 m from the NRS. The topography of the area which surrounds the proposed NRS is shown in Figure 5-8. A hill is located between the nearby dwellings (R21, R22, R23 and R24) to the NRS. The hill would tend to screen these dwellings from any dust emitted from the NRS. Figure 5-10 Locations of sensitive receptors near to the Northern Rock Stack and associated stockpiles (Source OGNZL)