Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 37 5.5 TSF3 and Associated Stockpiles The proposed TSF3 facility and associated stockpiles are located east of the existing TSF1A as shown in Figure 5-9. The land is currently used for agricultural purposes as is the majority of the surrounding land. To the north of the proposed TSF3 are bush clad hills, which are predominantly owned by OGNZL. Properties owned by OGNZL (or the Waihi Gold Company Ltd) are shown in Appendix E. The locations of the closest privately owned dwelling, (marked by a red circle (R19)), and the outlines of TSF3 and the stockpiles, are shown in Figure 5-9. The identified property R19 is located on Trig Road North, which is approximately 250 m to southeast of the proposed topsoil stockpile that will be constructed to the southeast of TSF3. There are no other residential properties in the vicinity of the TSF3 and topsoil stockpile site. However, there is a property located to the southwest of TSF3 on which dwellings could possibly be built as permitted activities in the future. This property is marked by a white circle (R20)) in Figure 5-9. The distance between the closest boundary of the property located to the southwest of the proposed TSF3 and TSF3 is approximately 180 m. This assessment has considered the theoretical possibility for the purposes of this assessment but not the feasibility of building a residential property on this boundary. Figure 5-9 Locations of the closest privately owned residences near to the proposed TSF3 and associated stockpiles (Source OGNZL) 5.6 Northern Rock Stack and Associated Stockpiles The proposed location of the NRS and associated stockpiles is shown in Figure 5-10. The NRS will be located to the north of TSF2 and will extend to the base of a bush clad hill to the northeast, which is identified by the Hauraki District Plan as a Significant Natural Area (SNA).