Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 36 The closest house (R15) to the proposed works on privately-owned land is located approximately 310 m to the south-west of the proposed pit. Further to the southwest, are a group of houses located on Heath Road. All these houses are located at least 400 m from the nearest point of the proposed pit. The residential properties on Clarke Street (R16 and R 17) are located more than 440 m to the west of the proposed pit. There are privately owned dwellings located to the north and northwest of the proposed pit. The closest of these houses (R1) is located approximately 360 m away from the proposed pit and beyond Union Hill (refer Figure 5-8. Also, to the west and southwest of the proposed pit, is a property where it is possible a residential dwelling could be built in the future as a permitted activity. This property is marked by a white circle (R18) in Figure 5-7.The distance between the closest boundary of this property and the proposed pit is approximately 330 m. Properties owned by OGNZL (or the Waihi Gold Company Ltd) in the vicinity of the GOP and Processing Plant are shown in Appendix E. The topography surrounding the proposed GOP is shown in Figure 5-8. Two hills are located to the northwest and north of the GOP. These hills would help screen the residential areas to the northwest of the site from any dust emitted from the mining operations minimising any potential air quality effects. Figure 5-8. Topography surrounding the proposed GOP, NRS and Processing Plant. 5.4 Processing Plant Figure 5-7 shows that the Processing Plant is surrounded by properties owned by OGNZL and that there are no private residential properties within 600 m of the plant. A hill is located between the Processing Plant and the residential areas to the northwest of the plant (refer Figure 5-8) which would help screen these dwellings from any dust emitted from the Processing Plant. Immediately to the south of the Processing Plant is the Ngati Koi Reserve, and the Blackhill motorcross track.