Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 35 An average of 150 rain days occurred each year over the 14-year monitoring period (i.e. rain days occurred for approximately 41% of the time). Annually, the number of rains day per year varied between 103 and 169 days. The highest frequency of rain days occurred between July and September (rain days occurred for approximately 55% of the time), and lowest frequency during the summer months of January to March (rain days occurred for approximately 30% of the time). 5.3 Gladstone Open Pit GOP will be developed to the southwest of the Processing Plant on land which is currently a combination of pastoral land and pine trees. To the southeast of the proposed pit is the Ngati Koi Reserve, which is an area of land used for recreational purposes. The reserve incorporates walking tracks and the Blackhill motocross track. Other recreational areas in the vicinity of the WNP include Gilmour Reserve which is located approximately 480 m to the southwest of GOP pit, and Morgan Park which is located approximately 620 m to the west of the GOP pit. A range of sporting facilities are located at Morgan Park, including squash, tennis and netball courts, bowling greens and playing fields. Figure 5-7 shows the locations of the closest privately owned dwellings, (marked as red circles) in the vicinity of the site, nearby reserves and recreational areas, and the proposed works. Figure 5-7 Locations of closest privately owned dwellings, reserves, and recreational areas relative to Gladstone Pit (image supplied by OGNZL)