Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 31 5.2.2 Air quality zoning The Martha Pit is located within the Waihi Airshed as gazetted by the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NESAQ). However, the Processing Plant and the proposed TSF3 and NRS are all located outside the Waihi airshed and within the airshed comprised of all the rural areas within the Waikato Region that are not included in a specifically gazetted airshed. The eastern boundary of the Waihi Airshed dissects the proposed GOP, with the western portion of the proposed GOP falling within the Waihi Airshed and the eastern portion falling beyond the Waihi Airshed boundary and within the rural area. The boundary of the Waihi Airshed is shown in Figure 5-2. The figure also shows the approximate location of the proposed works. Figure 5-2. Boundaries of the gazetted Waihi Airshed (shown as a blue shaded area). The approximate location of the GOP, NRS, TSF3 and Processing Plant are also shown. Air quality within the Waihi Airshed is not classified as “polluted”, as defined in Regulation 17 of the NESAQ. Waikato Regional Council (WRC) monitored fine particulate (PM10) concentrations between 2008 and 201231. Monitoring was suspended in early 2012 by WRC as concentrations measured indicated that concentrations of PM10 were well below the NESAQ 24-hour standard of 50 µg/m3. This monitoring was carried out when the Martha Pit was operating and includes the contribution of the mine to ambient air quality in Waihi. Air quality within the rural airshed is expected to be typical of other rural areas in New Zealand and well within the NESAQ criteria. 31 Waikato Regional Council website accessed on 6 October 2020