Supporting Technical Assessments

| Environmental Setting | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 30 5 Environmental Setting 5.1 Overview The individual elements of WNP are located over a wide area. The locations of all the individual elements share some general characteristics, as well as having some individual features, which may affect the sensitivity of the receiving environment to the discharges to air. The general and individual characteristics of the receiving environment in the vicinity of WNP are discussed in the following sections. 5.2 General Features of the Receiving Environment 5.2.1 Overview of the surrounding environment Figure 5-1 shows the approximate location of the proposed WNP Waihi Surface Facilities and the surrounding environment. The orange area shaded areas in the figure correspond to the properties which are owned by OGNZL (or the Waihi Gold Company Ltd). The WNP elements are in the rural areas to the east of the Waihi Township. The existing Martha Pit mine is located approximately 1.1km to the north-west of the proposed GOP. The topography of the area is rolling terrain. Hills are located to the north and south of the proposed GOP, to the north-east of the NRS and to the north of the TSF3. The existing TSFs are a feature of the current landscape and these are similar in scale to the surrounding hills. Figure 5-1. Approximate location of the of proposed WNP Waihi Surface Facilities and properties owned by OGNZL (or the Waihi Gold Company Ltd) (shaded orange)