Supporting Technical Assessments

| Project Description | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 14 Table 2-2. Mobile equipment estimates for TSF3 and NRS Equipment Type Average units required Peak annual unit requirements Excavators (50 to 100t) 1 1 Loaders 1 1 Trucks (50 to 85t) 4 6 Dozers 1 2 Graders 1 1 Service vehicles 2 2 Water cart 1 2 Light vehicles 5 5 Compactor/Rollers 1 1 2.4 Processing Plant The existing Processing Plant and Water Treatment Plant (WTP) will continue to be used for the WNP. Some components will be replaced with new equipment and some additional equipment will be added. The processing capacity of the plant will increase from 1.25 MPTA to 2.25 MPTA. The ore processing schedule for WNP is shown in Figure 2-6). Peak ore processing rates are projected to occur during years 5 to 7 of the project5. Figure 2-6. Projected processing schedule (tonnes per year) (Source OGNZL) 5 For New Zealand consenting purposes only. Forward looking information must not be relied on for investment purposes