Supporting Technical Assessments

| Project Description | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 8 2 Project Description 2.1 Overview The proposed WNP involves a number of different elements which are interrelated. A full description of each aspect of the project is included in the AEE report prepared by Mitchell Daysh3. Figure 2-1 is an aerial photograph showing the various project elements located in the Waihi Surface Facilities project area (i.e. excluding the elements of WNP that are directly associated with the proposed WUG and Willows Road Surface Infrastructure). Figure 2-1 Aerial photograph showing the WNP Waihi Surface Facilities (image supplied by OGNZL) The Waihi Surface Facilities aspects of the WNP project considered in this report includes the following major elements, the construction and operation of which may have impacts on air quality: ● The development, mining, and conversion to a tailings storage facility of the new GOP; ● The construction of the new NRS ● The construction of the new TSF3 tailings storage facility and associated soil stockpiles, located to the east of TSF1A ● The installation of additional equipment at the Processing Plant to increase the plant’s ore processing rate ● The installation of additional equipment at the WTP to increase treatment capacity. 3 Mitchell Daysh Ltd (2022) Waihi North Project – Assessment of Environmental Effects