Supporting Technical Assessments

| Introduction | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 7 Discharges to air from the Processing Plant are currently permitted by resource consent AUTH124859.01.04. However, the proposed expansion of the facility and changes to the character of the ore which is processed will have an impact on plant emissions. The impact of these changes on air quality outside the site boundary has also been assessed in this report. 1.2 Purpose of Report This report has been prepared by Beca Ltd (Beca) on behalf of OGNZL to support an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) to accompany an application for a resource consent to discharge contaminants to air from the WNP- Waihi Surface Facilities. It has been prepared in accordance with the Fourth Schedule of the Resource Management Act (RMA) and the relevant provisions of the WRP. This report contains the following information: ● A brief summary of the parts of project relevant to the discharges to air ● A description of the nature of the discharges to air resulting from the existing and proposed activities ● An assessment of the receiving environment in terms of the potential influences on the environmental effects of the emissions to air from the site ● A summary of the current effects of the mining operation with respect to air quality ● A description of the assessment methodology ● An assessment of the potential effects of the proposed changes on air quality ● A consideration of the National Environmental Standards for Air Quality (NES) ● A summary of conclusions and findings of the investigation. 1.3 Limitations This report has been prepared by Beca for Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited. Beca has relied upon the information provided by OGNZL in completing this document. Unless otherwise stated, Beca has not sought to independently verify this information as provided. This report is therefore based upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided and Beca cannot be held responsible for any misrepresentations, incompleteness, or inaccuracies provided within that information. Should any new or additional information become available, this report will need to be reviewed accordingly.