Supporting Technical Assessments

| Introduction | Waihi North Project Air Discharge Assessment - Waihi Surface Facilities | 4396626-1331619777-99 | 16/06/2022 | 6 three additional leach tanks and additional mercury emission control to increase the capacity of the plant. The potential changes to the discharges to air from these sources are discussed in Section 3 and Appendix F. The mining rate and ore processing rate and the intensity of operations over the WNP site will increase compared to recent activity levels, but the activities will be spread over a number of different locations and will be less than the activity level when the Martha Pit was at maximum production. Mining in Martha Pit has been in operation since 1988, although it is currently temporarily suspended following a rock fall on the north wall in 2015. The Favona Underground Mine commenced operation in 2004, the Trio Underground Mine in 2012 and the Golden Link Project Area (Correnso Underground Mine) in 2014. The current operation includes mining of Martha Underground (MUG), which commenced in 2020. OGNZL holds the resource consents for discharges to air shown in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Current air discharge consents held by OGNZL Consent Number Consent Name Expiry Date Includes discharges to air from 109741 Favona Mine Project 31 December 2028 Mine portal, vent shafts and fugitive emissions from project area including dust, CO2, blast fumes and exhaust fumes. 121697 Trio Underground Mine Project 31 December 2028 Vent shaft associated with the Trio Underground Mine Project AUTH124859.01.04 Golden Link Project Area (Correnso) 16 July 2037 Dust and carbon dioxide arising from mining operations, emissions from the Processing Plant including waste heat and water vapour, vehicle fumes and other minor and/or fugitive emissions associated with mining operations and smoke from burning tramp material within Area D. AUTH124859.01.02 Project Martha (comprising the Martha Underground and Martha Open Pit Phase 4) 16 July 2037 Mine portal, vent shafts and fugitive emissions from project area including dust, CO2, blast fumes and exhaust fumes. The discharges to air associated with the construction and operation of the Gladstone Pit, new tailings and rock storage facilities (i.e. GOP, TSF3, GOP TSF and NRS) are a permitted activity under Rule of the Waikato Regional Plan (WRP) subject to conditions. While OGNZL anticipates that these activities will comply with the permitted activity conditions, for certainty OGNZL wishes to apply for an air discharge consent under Rule of the WRP. Other consents are required to authorise the project. On this basis, it is prudent to assess the effects of the resultant air discharges so that appropriate account is taken of all of the effects that will likely accrue from the project.