Supporting Technical Assessments

Event Controls (Mitigation/ Management Measures) Residual risk assessment Controls to reduce likelihood Controls to reduce severity of consequence Likelihood Consequence Risk Container leak or rupture during unloading to site (any packaged substance - gasser, oils etc) OGNZL to undertake regular audits of drivers/transport contractors to ensure compliance with the PHMP procedures. Transport of hazardous substances via truck in accordance with the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005, meeting requirements for packaging, labelling, loading restrictions, segregation of incompatibles, unloading inspections and recurrent training. Spill kit, emergency showers and eye wash provisions (as applicable) in the unloading and storage areas, prompt movement of goods into dedicated bunded storage. Dedicated unloading areas draining to spill containment systems on site. Secondary containment provided in all storage areas, SFA drains to treatment ponds and any liquid collected in the WUG is pumped to water treatment in Waihi. Unlikely – Package failures or damage during transit are not uncommon, but requires failure of procedures and secondary and tertiary containment to result in release to the environment Minor – The site unloading areas drain to the water treatment system, minimising the effect on the environment low Diesel tank leak or rupture at storage location Design, testing, certification and maintenance of the storage systems in accordance with standards set out in the HSW-HS and preventative maintenance will minimise the risk of leakage of hazardous substances. Storage in double skinned tanks. Emergency Management Plan will be in place, including provision of spill kits and staff trained in spill response, and evacuation plans. Areas where diesel is stored drain to API oil water separators to remove any residual hydrocarbons in stormwater. Unlikely – multiple failures of structural controls required to result in discharge to the environment. Minor – any release contained in secondary containment or waste systems on site Low Spill of diesel during refuelling of equipment Design, testing, certification and maintenance of the refuelling equipment in accordance with standards set out in the HSW-HS and preventative maintenance will minimise the risk of failure of refuelling equipment. OGNZL to undertake regular audits of drivers/transport to ensure compliance with the PHMP procedures. Emergency Management Plan for Hydrocarbon Management in place, including spill response. Secondary containment in refuelling areas. Areas where refuelling occurs drain to API oil water separators to remove any residual hydrocarbons in stormwater. As likely as not – These events are not uncommon, but requires failure of procedures to result in release to the environment. Minor – The refuelling area drain to API separators, minimising the effect on the environment Moderate