Supporting Technical Assessments

37 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Storage and use of hazardous substances at Willows Road site and the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 7 Risk Assessment for Hazardous Substances 7.1 Introduction The following sub-sections set out a risk assessment of the proposed storage, handling and use of hazardous substances at the Willows Road portal entrance site and in the WUG. The risk assessment involves consideration of:  Identification of potential hazards, failure modes and exposure pathways;  The sensitivity of the surrounding environment;  The separation distances from neighbouring activities and the number of people potentially at risk from the facility;  Cumulative risks of hazardous facilities in the area; and  Transport of hazardous substances on and off the site to ensure safe access and appropriate routes for delivery vehicles on site to minimise risk of spillage. 7.2 Assessment method In the absence of a New Zealand specific guidance, the New South Wales Department of Planning (NSW DoPI) Multi-Level Risk Assessment5 approach was considered in development of the methodology for this assessment. The Multi-Level Risk Assessment approach is summarised inFigure 7.1. There are three levels of assessment, which are:  Level 1 – Qualitative Analysis, primarily based on the hazard identification techniques and qualitative risk assessment of consequences;  Level 2 – Partially Quantitative Analysis, using hazard identification and the focused quantification of key potential offsite risks; and  Level 3 – Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA) based on the full detailed quantification of risks, consistent with Hazardous Industry Planning Advisory paper No.6 – Guidelines for Hazard Analysis. Figure 7.1: Multi-Level Risk Assessment flow diagram Source: NSW-PD The risk assessment provides a screening level assessment, where all hazards in terms of their risk to people beyond the site boundary are assessed to identify any significant risks to off-site 5 Assessment Guideline Multi-Level Risk Assessment, New South Wales Department of Planning, 2011