Supporting Technical Assessments

entech. MINING CONSULTANTS Entech Pty Ltd. ABN 23 143 135 773 +61 (0) 8 6189 1800 8 Cook St, West Perth WA 6005 [email protected] 25th February 2022 Euan Leslie Project Manager – WUG Oceana Gold Waihi Operation electronic transmittal ([email protected]) RE: WKP UG Magazine Explosion – Gas Dispersal Study. Dear Mr. Leslie, Entech was commissioned by Oceana Gold Waihi to provide a review on the distribution of explosion contaminants following an unintentional detonation of bulk ANFO storage. This is for the application to council for their proposed magazine site at the Wharekirauponga underground project. Entech completed a high-level study to satisfy the requests by Tonkin and Taylor who will carry out their own environmental analysis to understand the risk to people in the nature reserve above the mine. Entech understands that ejected explosive contaminants from the mine need to be measured as a worst-case scenario, and therefore exploded material was measured as a depleted source, with resulting gases at their highest concentrations, excluding a possible fire that would normally follow such an incident. If you have any questions relating to this report, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Signed for and on behalf of Entech Pty Ltd, Anthony Evernden Ventilation Consultant Distribution: Original held by Entech Pty Ltd