Supporting Technical Assessments

10 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine – unplanned detonation air quality assessment Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.2000 vRev0 Figure 4.1: Location of modelled nested receptor grids (yellow crosses). The red square represents the edge of the computational grid and the green line illustrates the Wharekirauponga Valley walking track 4.3 Model meteorology A two-year meteorological dataset was developed by T+T using the CALMET meteorological model for the years 2016 and 2017. We note that 2016 and 2017 are expected to provide a suitable range of meteorological conditions due to those years experiencing a mix of La Niña and El Niño climatic conditions. The model domain covered an area of 12.75 km (east to west) by 15km (north to south) at a 150 m grid resolution. Input data for the CALMET model were derived from the meteorological component of the TAPM model, as well as terrain and land use information sourced for Land Information New Zealand (LINZ). Error! Reference source not found. provides figures that illustrates the CALMET model domain and terrain inputs along with details of the configuration of both the CALMET and CALPUFF models. 4.4 Terrain Terrain data is used both in the development of the modelling meteorological dataset (as it influences wind-flows) and in the dispersion modelling (as pollutant plumes interact with terrain). The forested terrain rises to the nearest peaks of Pukehuru (680 m above mean sea level (ASL)) and Whakamoehau (750 m ASL) approximately 3 km southwest of Site 5. The Wharekirauponga Walking Track follows the valley alongside the Wharekirauponga Stream. The emission from the Site 5 vent shaft at a higher elevation than the stream and walkway will facilitate dilution and dispersal of contaminants and minimise the impact at the location most likely to be frequented by the public.