Supporting Technical Assessments

4 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine – unplanned detonation air quality assessment Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.2000 vRev0 Figure 2.2: Typical return air rise (exhaust) vent Source: OGNZL There is an old walkway along the paper road (shown south of the WUG on Figure 2.3) within the forest area. However, this path is not maintained as a public walkway and therefore not typically used by members of the general public. The Wharekirauponga Track is a public walking track maintained by the Department of Conservation (DOC). It currently terminates at a swing bridge approximately 1 km north of the closest vent (Site 6). In future the loop past the bridge (shown in pink Figure 2.3) could be reinstated, which would make the closest point on the walkway 400 m north of the vent. While unlikely, there is potential for a person to be in the vicinity of a vent in an accidental detonation. This exposure scenario is considered by dispersion modelling of contaminants released at this location. Figure 2.3: Surface connection locations closest to the WUG Class 1 underground store Image source: Property Boundary, Topography maps and walking track information from the LINZ Data Service Paper road Public walkway Swing bridge