Supporting Technical Assessments

2 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Wharekirauponga Underground Mine – unplanned detonation air quality assessment Oceana Gold New Zealand Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.2000 vRev0 2 Environmental setting 2.1 Site location In the event of an unintended detonation in the underground explosives storage facility, the overpressure will propagate through the mine space and be expelled at the surface connections, which include the access portals, fresh air rises (FAR) and return air rises (RAR). The surface connection configuration is illustrated inFigure 2.1 below, which does not picture Site 1 (the access portal in Waihi) which is over 10 km from the underground Class 1 store. These surface connections are the key sites at which there is potential for effects to people due to discharges to air in the event of an unintended detonation at the storage facility. Figure 2.1: Underground storage facility location in relation to surface connections (Site 1 in Waihi not pictured) (source: GSS, 2021) A description of each surface connection location, including the zoning under the HDP and public accessibility are detailed in Table 2.1 below. Site 4 - WUG FAR #1 Site 5 – WUG RAR #1 Site 6 - WUG FAR #2 Site 3 - Willows Rd Farm, FAR Site 2 - Willows Rd Farm, Portal Proposed Underground Storage Facility – 380 m below surface Surface Portals/ Ventilation shafts which require consideration for controlled zones in the event of unintended detonation.