Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 124 of 124 The EMPCP must, at a minimum, address the following matters in accordance with Regulation 100: Location in Document (b) the availability of a suitable number of people trained in mines rescue who will be able to respond to an emergency at a mining operation; and Section 14.6 (c) there is adequately maintained equipment at the mining operation that will— i. allow for rapid and continuous rescue operations to take place at the mining operation in conditions of reduced visibility and irrespirable and irritant atmospheres; and ii. assist the escape or safe recovery of any mine worker or other person from a mining operation where necessary; and Section 10.6, 14 (d) the safe escape of people from underground in the mining operation through conditions of reduced visibility and irrespirable and irritant atmospheres (including adequately maintained self-rescuers and other facilities to aid escape where appropriate); and Section 10.6, Appendix F-H (e) there is an appropriate means of escape to the surface part of the mining operation; and Section 10.6 Appendix F-H (f) the maintenance of an up-to-date plan of— i. the exits from the underground parts of the mining operation; and ii. the changeover stations and refuges in the underground parts of the mining operation Section 10.6 Appendix F-H 106 Testing, etc, of emergency management control plan (1) In addition to the requirements of regulation 94, the site senior executive must ensure that— (a) the emergency management control plan is regularly tested— i. using practice drills; and ii. involving the emergency services referred to in regulation 104; and Sections 10, 11, 13, 15.8, 16 (b) mine workers are provided with training in the emergency management control plan and that the provision of this training is recorded. Section 16 (2) The mine operator must ensure that the mining operation is provided with adequate resources to— (a) effectively implement the emergency management control plan; and Sections 2.2, 12 (b) keep facilities and equipment regularly inspected and maintained in a fully operational condition. Section 14 (3) In addition to the requirements of regulation 62, the site senior executive must ensure that a copy of the current emergency management control plan is given to the Mines Rescue Trust, where relevant, and other emergency services referred to in regulation 104. Distribution of copies Part 8 Specific duties in underground mining operations and tunnelling operations – Emergency 166 Competent person at surface when mine workers underground Section 2.2.2 167 Emergency Contact Details Section 10.7.2 168 Self-rescuers Section 10.6 169 Training in use of self-rescuers Section 10.6 171 Escapeways in underground metalliferous mining operations and tunnelling operations Section 10.6 172 Additional requirements for escapeways in underground metalliferous mining operations Section 10.6 173 Changeover stations and refuges Section 10.6 174 Navigational aids Section 10.6 175 Communications systems Section 9.0