Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 114 of 124 1.24 Security Level 1 Response Level 2 Response Level 3 Response Trigger • An uninvited visitor of concern is on or near our operations • An uninvited visitor of concern is on property under OGL control and will not leave when asked • An uninvited visitor is on property not controlled by OGL and will not leave when asked • Numbers of uninvited visitors has increased • Significant media exposure • Operations have ceased because of incursion. All Personnel • Notify Supervisor • Quickly assess the situation and contact Supervisor • Prepare to shut down equipment if required • Quickly assess situation and notify supervisor • Shut down equipment • Withdraw to a place of safety. • Inform uninvited visitors to stay clear of hazards Emergency Call Taker • Assess the situation and call security if required • Record and Report • Notify Department Manager if required • Inform uninvited visitors of the hazards in the area • Contact security and advise of situation • Notify Department Manager • Inform uninvited visitors of the hazards in the area • Ensure work force is not actively engaging with visitors • Ensure workers are in a safe location • Ensure area is secure • Update Security on situation and advise what other resources may be required • Update Department Manager Supervisor • Contact OGL Security Coordinator and OGLNZ Comms Advisor • Contact Roving Patrol if required • Contact OGL Security Coordinator and OGLNZ Comms Advisor • Contact Roving Patrol if required • Contact OGL Security Coordinator and OGLNZ Comms Advisor • Contact Roving Patrol if required Emergency Response Coordinator • Monitor situation and gather intelligence if required. • Update Dept Manager • Supply intelligence to Department manager • Contact Police if necessary • Contact EASP representative/OGLNZ Comms Advisor • Supply intelligence to IMT • Liaise with Police • Provide Situation Reports to IMT Department Manager (Mine Incident Controller) • Monitor situation and update GM/SSE if required. • Make decision on trespass and communicate to stakeholders. • Monitor situation and maintain contact with OGL Security Coordinator • Contact Police if necessary • Advise on trespass requirements • Notify General Manager or SSE. • Set up incident control point (ICP) • Act as MIC until GM or SSE arrive • Activate incident management team (IMT) • Notify General Manager (SSE) • Set up incident control point (ICP) • Activate Incident Management Team (IMT) • Act as MIC until GM or SSE arrive • Advise on trespass or other legal options General Manager (SSE) • No action required • Notify Chief Operating Officer if required • Ensure MIC and IMT are being activated • Monitor situation and maintain contact with OGL Security Coordinator • Notify Chief Operating Officer • Ensure MIC and IMT are being activated • Notify chief operating officer if required Chief Operating Officer • No action required • Monitor situation • Contact Corporate Communications Officer • Implement OceanaGold Crisis Management Plan