Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 100 of 124 1.10 Explosives Fire Emergency Level 1 Response Level 2 Response Level 3 Response Trigger • Report only incidents • Fire within 10m of a Explosive Magazine • A fire within the explosive magazine All Personnel • Report irregularities • Quickly assess the situation and make emergency call. • Evacuate non emergency personnel to nearest Muster Point • Assess the Situation and requirements • Send personnel to evacuate and restrict access within cordon area on Domain Road and Moore Street. See Appendix I for map reference • Quickly assess situation and make emergency call. • Evacuate all personnel to nearest Muster Point • Assess the Situation and requirements • Send personnel to evacuate and restrict access within cordon area on Domain Road and Moore Street. See Appendix I for map reference Emergency Call Taker • No Action required • Follow procedures as per appropriate duty card • Follow procedures as per appropriate duty card Supervisor • Document incident • Request emergency response team and equipment for immediate response if required • Update Emergency Call Taker on situation • Notify Department Manager • Ensure explosives exclusion zone is set up as per emergency map • Refer to explosives Emergency Action Plan • Request emergency response team and equipment for immediate response • Update Emergency Call Taker on situation and advise what other resources may be required • Ensure explosives exclusion zone is set up as per emergency map • Secure the area • Notify Department Manager • Be the Mine Incident Controller until Department Manager takes over. Emergency Response Coordinator • No Action required • Assist with perimeter control • Deploy ERT • Notify and Liaise with Fire and Emergency NZ • Assess scene safety prior to allowing ER access • Deploy ERT • Notify and Liaise with Fire and Emergency NZ Department Manager (Mine Incident Controller) • No Action required • Monitor situation and maintain contact with reporting person. • Notify General Manager (SSE) • Set up incident control point (ICP) • Activate incident management team (IMT) • Activate and Coordinate the Emergency Response Team • Notify General Manager (SSE) • Set up incident control point (ICP) • Activate incident management team (IMT) • Notify WorkSafe when appropriate General Manager (SSE) • No Action required • Monitor situation and maintain contact with reporting person. • Notify Chief Operating Officer if required • Ensure MIC and IMT are being activated • Notify chief operating officer if required • Notify WorkSafe when appropriate • Monitor situation and maintain contact with reporting person. • Notify Chief Operating Officer • Ensure MIC and IMT are being activated • Notify chief operating officer if required • Notify WorkSafe when appropriate Chief Operating Officer • No Action required • No action required • Implement OceanaGold Crisis Management Plan if required.