Supporting Technical Assessments

Waihi Emergency Principal Control Plan Approved by: General Manager/SSE Approval Date: 26/03/2021 Next Review:26/03/2022 OceanaGold Waihi WAI-250-PLN-001 Page 81 of 124 Pipeline Failure (Tailings or Decant) Prevention and Controls • All tailings and decant water pipelines are located so that spillage will run either into the tailings dam, pipeline trench on the Northern Stockpile/TSF2, or to contingency or collection ponds (TCP1 & 2). Any spill of tailings from the Mill area will flow into the Mill Collection Pond. • Mill operators are warned of leaks or failure via a flow differential alarm system linked to SCADA. Pipelines are inspected every two hours for leakage and records kept at mill office. • Float level alarms on contingency ponds provide warning of high levels/ potential overflow event. • Tailings and decant pipelines on the Ohinemuri River bridge are encased and protected by concrete box culvert. Incident Response • Turn off pump(s) at source. • If spill is not contained determine the extent of the spillage (a visual check). • If necessary mobilise equipment to build bunds and contain spill (refer to list of contacts) • The priority is to prevent the flow from entering waterways in particular the Ohinemuri River and Ruahorehore Stream. • Tailings slurries are to be cleaned up and disposed in tailings pond or pumped to mill. • Any contained decant water to be pumped into a tanker or to collection pond and returned to tailings pond or water treatment plant. • Report to the Environmental Superintendent to coordinate any monitoring, reporting, any further clean up requirements.