Supporting Technical Assessments

26 Tonkin & Taylor Ltd Hazardous Substances Technical Assessment – Waihi North Project - Storage and use of hazardous substances at Willows Road site and the Wharekirauponga Underground Mine Oceana Gold (New Zealand) Limited June 2022 Job No: 1015212.1000 vRev0 Each refuelling bay will be located in a sealed area with kerbing to prevent clean stormwater flowing into the area. The refuelling pad will drain to an oil-water separator to treat any residual contamination of runoff prior to release to the stormwater collection ponds east of the SFA. 4.9 Water treatment In the event of a spill at the SFA hard stand at Willows Road spill containment and clean-up will be initiated by OGNZL staff. However, any residual contamination of surface runoff water will be treated via oil/water separators at the refuelling bay and directed to a series of small dedicated solid settling ponds east of the SFA prior to discharge to the Mataura Stream that crosses the Willows Road farm. The WNP includes a stormwater monitoring programme for discharges from the collection ponds and for water quality within the Mataura Stream. A clean stormwater swale will direct any stormwater flowing overland from the south and west of the SFA around the perimeter to discharge to the Mataura Stream. Surface drainage plans for the SFA are shown in Appendix C. Contact water collected within the tunnel and WUG will be collected and pumped to a surface holding pond at the Willows Road site. Suitable water from this pond may be diverted and reused underground in mine equipment or for dust suppression at the surface. The balance of water from this holding pond will be pumped to the existing Water Treatment Plant in Waihi for treatment and subsequent reuse or discharge in accordance with the consent conditions that apply to that discharge. 4.10 Signage Signage will be provided at the entrance to the Willows Road site to identify the substances present, the class and action to be taken in an emergency. Substance-specific signage will be displayed at each storage location, such as at the explosive magazine compound, or the ANE store. 4.11 Transport of hazardous substances The delivery of hazardous substances will be by truck via State Highway 25 and Willows Road and internal access roads within the OGNZL landholding. Deliveries are anticipated for each substance on a weekly basis at peak demand as detailed inTable 4.5. Any transport of hazardous substances will also be in accordance with the Land Transport Rule: Dangerous Goods 2005, which includes requirements for packaging, labelling, loading restrictions, segregation of incompatibles, unloading inspections and recurrent driver training. All movements of explosives around the site are under the supervision of a Certified Handler.